Many campsites in Europe allow pet owners to stay with their four-legged companion. Indeed, if you want a real family holiday without excluding any members, you can book a stay at a 2 to 5 star campsite, by the sea, the mountains or in the countryside in an establishment that accepts animals.
Staying at the campsite with your four-legged friend
Do you want to take your dog or cat on holiday at the campsite? This wish is perfectly feasible provided you find out beforehand about the camping and animal regulations of your holiday resort. Staying at the campsite is an ideal solution if you don't want to put your companion in a caretaker's cottage. In order to ensure that you are allowed to stay at the campsite, it is important to inform the campsite management of the presence of an animal in your holiday accommodation. Furthermore, the animal must be kept on a leash as soon as it is outside or in a public place. As far as the breeds of dogs listed as category 1 and 2 i.e. attack, guard and defence dogs are concerned, the regulations may be different. At the time of booking a stay with an animal, some campsites ask for details of the animal, its breed and weight.
Staying at the campsite with an animal
It is advisable to always inform yourself about the camping and animal regulations before organising a stay with your pet. Of the 9250 campsites listed in France, 8200 accept the presence of animals. Even animals that fall into the category of NAC (New Pets) such as different species of reptiles, rodents, ferrets and birds are generally accepted provided that their presence is indicated when booking the camping stay. The stay of an animal is generally paying, especially during the high tourist season. Count 2 to 3 euros per night, but this rate may vary according to the category of the campsite. In some campsites, there is no charge for small pets.
Precautions to be taken before your stay at the campsite
In general, it is advisable to include your pet in your family liability insurance policy. Indeed, camping and pets also mean that the pet must be properly insured in case it causes damage to a third party during the stay. Furthermore, it goes without saying that the animal is vaccinated and tattooed so that it can be found if it escapes. In particular, the animal must be properly vaccinated against rabies, as campsites are essentially holiday accommodation close to nature and, in some cases, wild animals.